On nwzCitrix you can use Windows software available in the NWZ from any terminal device with network connection (if necessary after VPN dial-in).
Preliminary Information
ThinOS 9.1.2101. Release summary; Firmware upgrade; Upgrade 9.x to later versions; Upgrade to ThinOS 9.1.1131 from ThinOS 8.6; Compatibility. Release build and package versions; Previous version; Tested BIOS details; Citrix Workspace app feature matrix; VMware Horizon feature matrix; New and enhanced features. Flash protection reliability. Seamlessly Migrate on-premises Citrix ADM to Citrix Cloud For more information refer to - Migrate on-premises Citrix ADM to Citrix Cloud. Receiver for Linux 13.x. CitrixWorkspaceappforLinux Contents Aboutthisrelease 3 PrerequisitestoinstallCitrixWorkspaceapp 28 Install,Uninstall,andUpgrade 38 Getstarted 44 Configure 51. The Citrix Workspace app allows for secure, unified access to all of your SaaS apps, web apps, virtual apps, files, and desktops. If your company uses Citrix, simply login with your company credentials to access all of the resources you need to be productive from anywhere.
To use the applications, you need the Citrix Receiver. It installs a plug-in in the web browser. The following browsers are supported: Internet Explorer 6.X (or higher), Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Safari. Supported operating systems on the device are Windows, Mac OS X and Linux, but also iOS, Android and ChromeOS. Caterpillar dp70e.
In the Citrix Receiver application the desktop is located under 'All Apps' and not on a separate page like on the website!
For mobile devices you can find the Citrix Receiver in the respective App Store. You must enter https://nwzcitrix.nwz.wwu.de as the configuration address.
Important: Outside the university network you need a VPN client. Further information can be found here: VPN instructions
Is something wrong? At the end of the website there is a troubleshooting section. Btd5clout games.
Guide for Windows / Mac + Linux Ubuntu / Mint
Guide for Windows/Mac

If you visit the website https://nwzcitrix.nwz.wwu.de/ for the first time, you will be asked to download and install the Citrix Receiver.
Citrix Workspace Download
Figure 1: Install Citrix Receiver
After the installation you can log in on the website with your username. The domain NWZ does not have be named.
Figure 2: Login
Now you see three selection fields above. Under Favorites you will find desktops or apps that you have added to the favourites view. For desktops, you will be offered the available terminal servers or operating system desktops. Under Apps you can see all applications. Either sorted from A to Z or divided into categories.
Figure 3: Select Favorites, Desktops & Apps
If you want to add a desktop or an app to your favorites, you first have to click on Details and then on Add to Favorites.
Figure 4: General View of a Desktop
Figure 5: Detailed View of a Desktop

Figure 6: General View of an App
Abbildung 7: Detailed View of an App
The Favourites apps remain in place even after you log off. Applications can be started by clicking on the icon, a rotating circle then appears on the icon.
Figure 8: Start Application Best mac book air for 2018selfieparadise.
Since a user log on is performed in the background, the start of an application takes a few seconds. Then the app starts and can be used completely.
Figure 9: Starting..
The Citrix Receiver transfers existing devices such as printers to a laptop or computer. This can be allowed or denied.
Figure 10: Access to local devices
You can also access the NWZ drives (I:) and (N:) as well as the hard disk(s) in the local computer. Here you will also be asked for security.
Figure 11: Access to local drive(s)
Guide for Linux Ubuntu / Mint :
Installing Citrix Receiver on Ubuntu 20.04 or Mint 20.1
The Citrix ICA Client (Citrix Receiver) allows access to remote Windows sessions that run on a Citrix server.
1) Download und install the Citrix Workspace app 2101 for Linux Ubuntu

- Open https://www.citrix.com/downloads/workspace-app/linux/workspace-app-for-linux-latest.html
- Download the debian package for a 64-bit oder für 32-bit operating system. Open the personal folder 'Downloads'. After that click with the right mouse button on the installation file icaclient_21.1.0.14_amd64.deb and start the installation
- Installation with the terminal and the command:
sudo dpkg -i ~/Downloads/icaclient_21.1.0.14_amd64.deb
2) Link the required certificates
After the installation of Citrix Workspace, implement trusted certifcates in Citrix. If you don't do that, you get an error.

Link the certicate directory of Mozilla with the command:
sudo ln -s /usr/share/ca-certificates/mozilla/* /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/keystore/cacerts/
The following command activate the change:
sudo c_rehash /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/keystore/cacerts/
- Problem: After starting an application/desktop only a small window appears which disappears after a few seconds or the application does not appear at all.
- Solution:Log on to a NWZ computer and delete the following files & folders under I:Windows. Change the folder options so that hidden and sysetm files are visible.
Folder 'Pending' & 'UPM_Profile'
Files 'PmCompatibility.ini', 'UPMSettings.ini' & 'UserProfileOrigin.ini'
- Solution:Log on to a NWZ computer and delete the following files & folders under I:Windows. Change the folder options so that hidden and sysetm files are visible.
- Problem: If you want to start programs, the error message 'The system cannot find the drive specified' appears.'
- Solution: Rarely the N: drive is not automatically connected. However, there are some programs on this drive. As a solution, please proceed as follows: Start the application explorer which is located in the folder 'Accessories'. On the 'Home' tab there is an icon 'Easy Access' in the category 'New' and below it the item 'Map as drive'. Simply select N: as 'Drive' and enter the following as 'Folder'. nwz.wwu.dedfs. The checkmark for 'Reconnect at sign-in' should be set automatically.
- Solution: Rarely the N: drive is not automatically connected. However, there are some programs on this drive. As a solution, please proceed as follows: Start the application explorer which is located in the folder 'Accessories'. On the 'Home' tab there is an icon 'Easy Access' in the category 'New' and below it the item 'Map as drive'. Simply select N: as 'Drive' and enter the following as 'Folder'. nwz.wwu.dedfs. The checkmark for 'Reconnect at sign-in' should be set automatically.
By Fredrik Brattstig @virtualbrat
Hi to all of you! On the 1st of February IGEL released a private build containing Citrix Workspace App (CWA) 2021, released by Citrix the 28th of January. We are closing in on Day-1 support of CWA implementation. Why didn’t IGEL do Day-1 on this release then? Because the 28th and 29th of January IGEL had the annual Kick Off, this year as a virtual event. Oh man, there are so much interesting coming your way during this year!
Citrix Workspace 2101 Windows 10
In this release you’ll not only getting the latest and greatest IGEL OS code, you will also get a few features and fixes from Citrix in the CWA 2101, which includes Microsoft Teams Optimization enhancements, ‘App protection’ etc. Read more on the fixes here
Citrix Receiver Workspace App For Windows
Anyhow, to get the latest firmware, which is named 11.04.268 you would have to request it using a support ticket, call out to your favorite contact at IGEL, or fill out the form below, and I’ll send you a download link.