Phpstorm Cli Xdebug


Keep in mind that PHPStorm opens port 9000 (by default) so Xdebug can connect to it. Our PHP container has Xdebug installed and Xdebug will try to connect to PHPStorm on port 9000 by default. Out of the box, everything should be fine. Except if port 9000 is already taken by another program on your host (your machine running PHPStorm).

  1. Phpstorm Xdebug Docker Cli
  2. Phpstorm Xdebug Docker Cli

In this small article I show how to configure PhpStorm to use xDebug to debug a Laravel app. Prerequisites: Php (v 7.4.x) installed. Check that PhpStorm uses the correct CLI Interpreter. Set PhpStorm to listen to Xdebug on port 9000. JetBrains, the maker of PhpStorm, has detailed instructions on configuring Xdebug in their IDE. There are a few places settings need to be set, so I defer to their help pages. Essentially, you want to set the Xdebug IDE port to 9000 and the IDE key to PHPSTORM. Triggering Xdebug.


You may have noticed recent versions of the Composer dependency manager has come with a warning if you have Xdebug enabled:

Jordi added this warning because Xdebug does wondrous things when you are developing, but it slows down execution of PHP scripts massively. Turning Xdebug on and off depending on the situation can be a painful chore… Until now.

PhpStorm 2016.2 introduces Xdebug On Demand mode where you can disable Xdebug for your global PHP install, and PhpStorm will only enable it when it needs to — when you’re debugging your scripts, or when you need code coverage reports.

To use the great new feature, first, you need to disable Xdebug for command line PHP scripts. Usually, this is a case of either renaming a config file, or commenting out the lines that load the extension. While you’re working with the configuration that enables Xdebug in your actual PHP install, it’s worth taking a note of where the Xdebug extension lives on your system as you’ll need that later.

What you are looking for is when you run `php -v` from the command line, you don’t get the “with Xdebug by Derick Rethans” line:

Now we don’t have Xdebug installed, and our command line scripts (including Composer and our unit tests) will run much faster.

Next, we need to tell PhpStorm where to find Xdebug when we need it. To do this, navigate to Languages and Frameworks and then PHP in the preference pane. You’ll see a list of your configured interpreters in a drop down, pick the relevant PHP install and then press the button to see it’s settings:

We just need to tell PhpStorm where to find the Xdebug extension in the Debugger extension field – that’s the location you should have taken note of earlier when you were looking at the config files. When you opened this screen, the Debugger information to the right of the PHP version said Not installed, but once you’ve set the debugger location, hitting the refresh icon above it will confirm that the extension is found and can be loaded; it will change to the version of Xdebug you are running.

Now we can debug as usual. If it’s a simple PHP script, then either use the Debug toolbar icon to start a debugging session (as usual), or if you don’t have a run configuration, right-click anywhere in the file, and select Debug and then the file name with the PHP file icon next to it. This will allow you to start a debug session right there without even running the debug session listener.

If you want to debug your PHP Unit tests, assuming you have a PHP Unit runner configured and you can debug your unit tests in the same way; by selecting the PHP Unit configuration from the drop-down in the menu bar, and then hitting the Debug button.

Making debugging easier and quicker is a definite goal in recent releases of PhpStorm, and personally, I think this solves a very annoying problem and speeds up execution of tests and other command-line scripts in the 90% use case; when you don’t need to debug or profile.

I hope you are excited as I am with this feature, give it a go and let me know what you think!

— Gary and the PhpStorm Team

Why do we need Xdebug?

In the development process, we have several existing codes with a number of functionalities. We don’t have to create that functionality from the core every time. We can rather use the existing code and make simple modifications that will save our time and energy. Product development processes work the same. Before modifying the existing code, we need to know how they work and which codes have which functionality.

Now you may have the question, can we see how the PHP code works? It is a virtual object, right?

Absolutely! You can see the flow of the PHP code, and there is a tool. It is called Xdebug. Here we can see how to configure the Xdebug with PhpStorm IDE.


Install Xdebug on Ubuntu using following cmd:

Once you have installed the Xdebug into your system, restart your apache2 server and enable error tracing using the below cmd.

Step 2: Install Xdebug helper extension in the Chrome browser to receive the details from the browser to PhpStorm.

Phpstorm Cli Xdebug

Step 3: In PhpStorm Settings/Preferences dialog (Ctrl+Alt+S), select Languages & Frameworks | PHP.

Step 4: Check the Xdebug installation associated with the selected PHP interpreter:

Phpstorm Xdebug Docker Cli

    1. On the PHP page, choose the relevant PHP installation from the CLI Interpreter list and click ” . “ next to the field. The list shows all the PHP installations available in PhpStorm.
    2. The CLI Interpreters dialog that opens shows the following:
      • The version of the selected PHP installation.
      • The name and version of the debugging engine associated with the selected PHP installation (Xdebug or Zend Debugger).

Step 5: Define the Xdebug behaviour. Click Debug under the PHP node. On the Debug page that opens, specify the following settings in the Xdebug area:

    1. In the Debug Port field, appoint the port through which the tool will communicate with PhpStorm.
      This must be exactly the same port number as specified in the php.ini file:
      xdebug.remote_port =<port_number>
      By default, Xdebug listens on port 9000.
    2. To have PhpStorm accept any incoming connections from Xdebug engines through the port specified in the Debug port field, select the Can accept external connections checkbox.
    3. Select the Force break at the first line when no path mapping is specified.
    4. Select the Force break at the first line when the script is outside the project.
      Don’t miss saving these options.

Step 6: Now, you are ready to use Xdebug with PhpStorm.

Add breakpoints where you need to debug using click on corresponding code.

Step 7: Then click Run > Stop Listening For PHP Debug Connections option. Please make sure it is in the green color.

Step 8: Open the Chrome Browser where you can see the green bug in the right corner of the Chrome browser, then click and choose Debug option. Now, your browser is ready to send the details to PhpStorm.

Reinforcement learning cheat sheet

Step 9: Now, you should load the page where you must execute the breakpoints, which has been mentioned in Step 6 in PhpStorm. After some time, the PhpStorm will show the variable values which you must select as the breakpoint. Then, press F7 to bring up the flow on how the final output should be displayed.

Phpstorm Xdebug Docker Cli

Bmw serial number decoder. This debugging of code using Xdebug and PhpStorm can be beneficial for your development in the debug process, thus helping you save the amount of time spent searching on Google.